During last 20 years, I put huge effort on time management, personal productivity, and organizing stuffs. I read many books (GTD, 7 habits, getting organized, 20/80 principle, …). I tried many systems – methods such as Franklin system, Moody or GTD – tools such as palm, blackberry, outlook, RTM, or plain note. Even I made my own planner pages. As far as for knowledge of personal productivity, I can write a book.
The effort is not in vain. My life is probably messier if I didn’t try. The lessons from those systems are carved in my brain. Every time, I ask myself “What are my values?” or “What is big rock for this week?” or “What should I do at this context?.”
However, my daily life is not well-organized. Still I forget things. I fail to meet my commitments. I find excuses for not doing things. Worst thing is that I do procrastinate.
As I read ZTD (Zen To Done), I realized that I didn’t change my habits. Yes. My life style has been improved. At least, I pursue to be a better person. I continuously evaluate myself and try to find a better way. But many times I stop there.
Habit is the key. Habit can be the best friend or the toughest enemy. Wanting to organize is not enough. Knowing how to be productive is not enough. I must make them as my habits.
So I am making habit change as my top priority. One month is needed to make (or change) one habit. In this month, I will focus on two habits. #1. Collect and #4. Do from ZTD. ’Collect’ is writing down everything to empty my head, so that unfinished stuffs do not bother my head. ‘Do’ is to focus on one thing at a time and not to do multi-tasking. Both are my weakest points. Specially ‘Do’ part.
I start the change with writing down my commitment here. Anyone who read this posting, please cheer me If you know me personally, please provide your feedback. I really need it. Changing habit is not easy. It’s like quitting smoke or alcohol. A little push will be appreciated.
'미래 빚어가기' 카테고리의 다른 글
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‘Getting Things Done’ by David Allen is a practical book. It talks about how to write down all tasks you have to take care of, how to process them to make most out of 24 hours a day. A systematic approach to put everything under control for every day life.
It is interesting that the purpose of doing it, as David says, is rather philosophical, not practical. David emphasizes ‘Getting Things Done’ is to achieve ‘Mind Like Water’, which is from martial arts, meaning perfect ‘Ready State.’
Imagine a small pond in a very quiet and cozy forest. The surface of water is serene. No movement at all. Still. Peaceful. Calm. It is the state of mind that many people want to achieve. However, ‘Mind Like Water’ does not mean this ‘just quiet – no disturbance’ state. What if someone throws a pebble? What if strong wind blows suddenly? The quietness will be broken instantly.
The power of ‘Mind Like Water’ is in its responsiveness, not in its stillness. Water responds to everything, “totally appropriately to the force and mass of the input.” It does not overreact nor under-react. Just right for every input. And then, it goes back to calm. That is ‘Mind Like Water.’
It can’t be achieved by forgetting everything. It is not a Nirvana or Deliverance, which you can’t achieve in daily life. For the people like us who has to live our life can’t just retreat to a quiet place to get still mind. We need a different method.
‘Mind Like Water’ can be achieved from total control. It is when your personal efficiency is sky high and when you can focus 100% on what you are doing. It is the peaceful mind you get when you know what you are doing. The state of mind that every ‘working people’ wants to achieve.
My motto for 2009 has been achieving this ‘Mind Like Water.’ I tried to organize myself so that everything are under control. I tried couple of time management tools, with hope that I can find one working for me. But my self-evaluation is B-, or maybe C+. I can say my effort was commendable, but the result is far from the objective. Still my mind is like a roller-coaster.
Still I don’t give up. When can I achieve ‘Mind Like Water’? I don’t know. Maybe I won't get there in my life. Putting everything under control is not something you can achieve as a human. But as I think about it and continue to pursue, I will be closer. I will be more response-able, resulting better productivity, which will bring more calmness to my mind. Moving toward this direction. That’s all I need for now.
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'그밖에...' 카테고리의 다른 글
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'그밖에...' 카테고리의 다른 글
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