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2012. 11. 21. 09:47

최근 몇달 동안 지독한 슬럼프에 빠져있었습니다. 무기력증? 어쩌면 우울증이었는지도 모르겠습니다. 

해야할 일이 있는데도 하루 종일 아무것도 성취하지 못합니다. 그렇다고 맘놓고 놀지도 못합니다. 그저 책상에 앉아있으면서 끊임없이 문제를 회피합니다. 하루 종일 게임을 할 때도 있고, 별 관심없던 책을 꺼내 읽습니다. 자려고 누우면 내가 참 한심하고 부끄럽습니다. 내일은 달라져야지 결심해도 변하지 않습니다. "결심"이 그저 "희망사항"이 될거라는 걸 이미 알고 있습니다. 중증이었죠. 

시작이 언제부터인지 모르겠습니다. 미루는 습관은 전부터 있었지만 문제는 안되었죠. 대부분 일에 기한은 맞추었으니까요. 그래도 불안했습니다. 스스로에게 만족할 수 없었지요. 최근 일년간 쓴 포스팅이 대부분 저에게 하는 말이었습니다.   

육개월전에 회사에서 레이오프되었습니다. 별로 기분나쁘지 않았습니다. 어차피 로스쿨 졸업을 일년 앞두고 있어서 이번 기회에 로펌에 가서 일을 하면 되겠구나 싶었죠. 근데 아직 자리를 못찾았습니다. 학교를 다니긴 하지만 실업자죠. 몇번의 좌절을 겪으며 마음 고생이 심해졌습니다.

그러면 문제를 해결해야하는데 오히려 회피를 했습니다. 자신감이 떨어지더군요. 스스로 상황을 극복하기보다 쉬운 해결책이 떨어지는 걸 상상했습니다. 복권 당첨 같은 거요 ㅡ.ㅡ 부끄러움에 아무에게도 이야기를 못하고 혼자서만 병들어 가고 있었습니다. 제일 힘든 건 조금만 노력하면 벗어날 수 있는 상황이라는 겁니다. 시간 있을 때 전부터 쓰려던 책을 쓸 수도 있었는데 아무것도 하지 않았습니다.  

이 블로그를 만든게 2007년 7월 4일입니다. 십오년 후의 삶은 내가 책임져야한다는 믿음으로 시작했습니다. 그때는 소위 "잘 나갈" 때였습니다 ^^ 승진도 빨랐고 성공이 보이는 듯 했습니다. 그런데 지금 상황은 더 나빠졌습니다 ㅡ.ㅡ 십오년의 삼분의 일이 지났는데 말이죠. 

다시 시작해야겠습니다. 어느덧 마흔 다섯이 되었네요. 지금의 저는 제가 만든 겁니다. 십년후의 삶도 제가 만들 거구요. 후회하지 않도록 하루 하루 열심히 살아가렵니다. 

요즘 행동과 습관에 대한 책을 몇권 읽었습니다. 전에 모르던 것을 배웠습니다. 잘 조합하면 꽤나 유용할듯 합니다. 제 문제를 해결할 수 있다면 다른 사람에게도 도움이 되리라 생각합니다. 앞으로 그걸 나눠볼까 합니다. 제가 어떻게 변해가는지를요. 

다시 시작합니다. 무엇보다 제 아이들이 자랑스러워 할 아빠가 되고 싶습니다 ^^

'일기 혹은 독백' 카테고리의 다른 글

신변잡기. 2013. 01. 07  (2) 2013.01.08
첫 자전거 통학  (2) 2011.08.19
컴퓨터없는 주말 - 첫주말  (6) 2011.08.15
Run ... run  (6) 2011.04.06
어떻게 다 하냐구요?  (10) 2011.03.19

2012. 3. 13. 07:41
I wrote this first version of "20 reasons to love my son" in 2009. It was an assignment from 'Father's school'. In this program, for 4 days, I learned how to love and how to communicate to my family - wife, son, and daughter.

Here is the original version of 2009.

01. I love Timmy who wakes up by himself on time.
02. I love Timmy who eats any food with appreciation.
03. I love Timmy who smiles a lot and who is always positive.
04. I love Timmy who keeps himself clean and neat.
05. I love Timmy who always does exercise and has a good body shape.

06. I love Timmy who puts an effort in Taekwondo and teaches younger kids.
07. I love Timmy who didn't quit Violin for 8 years.
08. I love Timmy who sang a beautiful song in Middle school graduation ceremony.
09. I love Timmy who practices guitar everyday to be a good soloist.
10. I love Timmy who writes well, as like me :)

11. I love Timmy who was so sad when he got 690 from math and couldn't get into SET.
12. I love Timmy who felt sorry for his jealousy to his friend who got in a prep school.
13. I love Timmy who can make friends at any time anywhere.
14. I love Timmy who understands any book he reads so easily.
15. I love Timmy who read Harry Potter bought in San Francisco airport before the flight arrived Seoul.

16. I love Timmy who asked me help to overcome temptation for pornography.
17. I love Timmy who is tall and handsome, not like me.
18. I love Timmy who says "I love you" to mom and hugs her frequently.
19. I love Timmy who has many of my weak points.
20. I love Timmy who will overcome the weak points and be a better person than me.


I remember people asked me "Why do you attend father's school? You are already a good father!" I said "I am not a good father. I want to be a real good father." But frankly, I thought I was one. I thought I was doing well as a father.

3 years passed. Timmy is now 16, becoming 17 in a week. Going through good times and not-so-good times. And I am realizing that I am really not-a-good father. I was not a good listener. When he needs help, I didn't provide it. I didn't communicate. 

This morning, I encountered this 2009 writing by a chance. Since then, many things are changed. He quit something and picked up new things. My understanding of him is changed also.

So Here comes a 2012 version. Many of them changed and will change as time goes. But the last two-line will be same.

01. I love Timmy who wakes up at 5 in the morning to be an early bird.
02. I love Timmy who eats any food with appreciation.
03. I love Timmy who smiles a lot and is always positive.
04. I love Timmy who keeps himself clean and neat.
05. I love Timmy who always does exercise and has a good body shape.

06. I love Timmy who likes to think and wants to be a philosophy professor.
07. I love Timmy who realizes happiness is not from money or position.
08. I love Timmy who lost 20 lbs in 3 weeks to compete in wrestling as a varsity.
09. I love Timmy who puts his effort to be a great wrestler.
10. I love Timmy who overcame limitations and did a wonderful job during debates season.

11. I love Timmy who overcame internal struggle and decided to be honest with me.
12. I love Timmy who admits mistakes and tries to make up all the time.
13. I love Timmy who can make friends at any time anywhere.
14. I love Timmy who understands any book he reads so easily.
15. I love Timmy who is tall and handsome, not like me.

16. I love Timmy who wants to find his own meaning of his life.
17. I love Timmy who wants me to be proud of him.
18. I love Timmy who says "I love you" to mom and hugs her frequently.
19. I love Timmy who has many of my weak points.
20. I love Timmy who will overcome the weak points and be a better person than me.


As I think 20 reasons to love Timmy, in other parts of my mind, I had one question. "Do you need 20 reasons to love him?"

Of course not. I don't need 20 reasons. I love him because he is Timmy, my son :)

'사랑을 말한다' 카테고리의 다른 글

이런 사랑 멋지지 않나요?  (2) 2012.01.09
Boston Rescue Mission  (6) 2011.08.22
슬픈 장례식  (0) 2011.08.13
결혼 - 환상의 파괴? 혹은 환상의 완성?  (13) 2011.01.16
마흔 두번째 맞이한 사랑  (16) 2009.11.10

2012. 3. 10. 14:05


Last time, I wrote about how to handle troubled situations. I laid down the best approaches when you are stuck in a difficult situation. I liked it. The three actions you should take in the situation are the best choices, I believe. But, I got another question. Is that it? The thought was very 'Humanistic'. There was no room for Divinity.

So What?

Last Sunday, my church's pastor gave a great sermon. Interestingly, the topic was same. How to handle troubled situations. But the conclusion was totally different my writing.

The passage of the sermon was from Exodus where Moses and Israelite were facing red sea and Egyptian army was chasing them. Israelite didn't go there by a chance. Bible says that God told Moses to bring his people to that place and wait. It was near important army base of Egypt. The instruction did not make any sense. No wonder Israelite complained. But that's when God showed who HE is - dividing Red Sea so people can cross and making it collapsed with Egyptian army.

With God in the picture, it becomes a totally different story.

Now What?

First, do not fear. You need to trust HE has a plan for you no matter what the situation is. You may be there by your mistake or some force beyond your control. Still have faith. HE can turn the trouble into a blessing. HE is the king.

Second, know your place and know how HE works. In previous posting, I said you need to do your best as if your life depends on it. But Bible teaches other way. Sometimes you should shut your mouth and watch what HE does. It is tricky because sometimes HE wants you to act. You need to know how HE works. A good news is as the situation gets worse and you have less options, HE shows greater things.

Third, grow through the experience. HE turns your trouble into a training. Not just a training. It makes you distinguished. Blessing when you are thrown into a fire furnace transforms you. Again, everything is about YOU. HE wants YOU to grow. What HE cares is only YOU.

2012. 3. 5. 22:37

For recent several years, I have struggled from bad habits. They are including lack of focus, multi-tasking, procrastination, and urge to check SNS and news. It was not bad at the beginning. Even though I used internet, I could control easily. I had good focus. But ironically as I have more load from work and study, I lose focus more.

I don't know which one came first. Lack of focus? Or procratination? Anyway, they are each sides of one coin. When I don't have focus, I procrastinate. In order to procrastinate, I open myself to distractions.

There were several attempts to change my habit with some success. But sooner or later, bad habits come back. Sometimes I see myself watching movies even though final is several days away :( I know it is to avoid pressures. I know the theories of procrastination. I can diagnose myself ... But still MY BEHAVIOR IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!!

Here I try again. I don't remember how many tries I made before. It doesn't matter. This must be the last one. My first target is getting rid of distractions since there are many developed over the years.

Tweeter consumed my time, sometimes a lot. I had good number of followers. I used it to share my thoughts on self-development, politics, and other not-right topics. It was not total waste of time. But I let it go. More harm than benefit.

News portal consumed my attention. It's gone. No urge to check it multiple times a day.

Politics of my home country was important to me. Now I put it in the good hands of people in the land. Anyway, I can't even vote in Korean elections.

Facebook will continue. There are good connections - friends, classmates and collegues. But I will limit my time on it for 10 min per day. I am enforcing myself with 'StayFocused' - chrome extension.

I have two blogs. One in Korean and one in English. I care for them, specially one in Korean. Tons of thoughts I put there. Good connections too. But I didn't write a word on it for a while. I am letting it go too. From now, I will write only on this blog in English.

Still there are unlimited sources of distractions. I need to get rid of them one by one. Oh! I got rid of TV too. There is no cable at my home. Only netflix.

'Focus' - free e-book of Leo Babauta is my guide now for this new journey. Once I succeed with first habit change, I will move toward next one. 'Focus' - powered by unschedule.

2012. 3. 4. 14:52

From time to time, you are stuck in a situation that you never wanted. Your boss told you that your end of year review will be bad. You got suspended from your school. You could not prepare a term paper when it is due tomorrow. Or you got a notice from the collection office because someone you co-signed did not pay her loan. No one ever wants to be in this kind of situation. But still it happens. So what you are gonna do?

So what?

The goal is to get out of the situation, of course. But is that it? You may get help from someone, or from God. (People will call it ‘luck’ or ‘blessing’ depending on their belief. I am the latter, btw.) You may find a way to get out by yourself. The problem may disappear suddenly. Or in many cases, you live with the consequences.

But is that it? Shouldn’t be. If you just want to get out of the situation and make the experience a piece of memory as you do, there is no improvement. There should be better way to deal with it.

Now what?

First, deal with it with everything you have. You never know what’s going to happen when you throw all of you as if your life depends on it. Do the best. Don’t leave any excuse.

Second, put your effort on the best bang for the buck. To make the best out of your effort, you need to find out what area will make the best outcome. There must be one or two. Focus on the areas. You don’t have much time.

Third, learn from it. Analyze why you got there. What could prevent the situation? Who caused the trouble? Don’t skim through. Go deep. Go to the root cause. But remember. It is not for finger-pointing. All thoughts should end up with these questions. “What could YOU do to prevent it? What could YOU do to make a better outcome?” It is all about you, not someone else.